

Your brand tells people what your business is, what it stands for, and what they can expect from choosing your business. It is the foundation that all other marketing initiatives are built on.

Branding consists of several elements, the first being your logo. The logo is the name and face of your business. It carries a lot of responsibilities and should be created with much thought and consideration. Other elements of branding include what fonts are used throughout all materials, the few choice colors that are consistently used, maybe there is a pattern that appears, photography choices, art direction, headlines, content, and more. All of these elements come together to speak for your business.

The Process

If there's one area that I find client's need the most help in, it's branding. It's understandable! Building a great brand takes a lot of thought and decision making.

To start the branding process, Golden Antler prefers to meet with clients in person (if not local to the area we can have a phone consultation). During this initial meeting, we will talk over your business and your goals. I often take a look at your current marketing materials, business location, website, vehicles, internal documents, art on the walls, team apparel, products and packaging... anything and everything that is currently representing your business visually. From there, we brainstorm about where you want your brand/business to go. This includes short term and long term goals. Next, I will suggest what are the most pertinent areas to work on first and develop a quote for those services.

We will work together over time to set a brand precedent, further explore what your businesses voice is, and make sure that ALL future marketing materials are on-brand.

Contact Golden Antler Design to set up a free consultation where we can discuss how to build your brand.
